Dear customers,
Welcome to HUBER BREZEL. Here you will find various documents for download as well as information about our factory outlet in Erdmannhausen.
I. Download
Organic Food cerficate Documentary evidence; Ökokontrollstelle DE-Öko-001 |
IFS Food certificate |
JAS Inspection certificate |
II. Factory outlet in Erdmannhausen
Welcome to our factory outlet on the company premises in Erdmannhausen. Here we offer you all the products of the company community: salt-lye pastries as well as light pastries from HUBER BREZEL, all cereal digestion products and pastries from ErdmannHAUSER as well as the entire delicacies range with more than 200 products from BioGourmet.
We also regularly offer you new product developments from our baking trials to try and are looking forward to your feedback.
In the factory sales you will find the dates and receive information about our events in the pretzel factory and in the HUOBER logistic centre.
In the factory outlet of HUOBER BREZEL in Erdmannhausen ... will find the hole range of products and much more.
Opening hours:
Mo.-Fr. 8.30 bis 18.30 Uhr
Sa. 9.00 bis 14.00 Uhr
We're looking forward to your visit!
Riedstraße 1, 71729 Erdmannhausen
Telefon 07144 338 0
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